Zandvoort aan Zee ~ 19th June 2008

Dutch DunesDutch Dunes (Zandvoort)

Zandvoort aan ZeeZandvoort aan Zee

5-way HDR (EV -2.0 / EV +2.0), Zuiko ED 7-14mm 1:4.0 @ 7mm ~ manually combined in Photoshop CS3 (not the automatic HDR function).

Constructive comments welcome...

© copyright Rick Wezenaar Photography.


Laurent said...

Hi Rick,

You really do impressive HDR photos, they're clean and nice. I absolutely like the final rendering, how d'you process in PS? Do you take a set of photos then change them to masks and combine them in pS?

Rick Wezenaar said...

Hi Laurent,

Yes, basically that is what I do.

Here's a short tutorial for HDR with 2 shots. The 5-shot method is way more complicated but basically the same idea:

click here.

Dominic Gendron said...

Just awseome images!

jam said...

i love the pictures! i live now in zandvoort and you really got the best out of it. good job!